Do you know anyone who is employed on the U.S. facility? |
meeguk keegwaney koyongtoen eenmeeneul algo itseumneeka? |
미국 기관에 고용된 인민을 알고 있습니까? |
Do you know of anyone who works with U.S. forces who has participated in anti-U.S., anti-coalition, or anti-government protests? |
panmee, panyonhap, pan jeongboo sheeweeye chamgahan meeguk jeegwoneul algo itseumneeka? |
반미, 반연합, 반 정부 시위에 참가한 미국 직원을 알고 있습니까? |
Do you know anyone who is employed on the U.S. facility that has expressed dislike or displeasure toward the U.S. or coalition forces? |
meeguk toneun yonhap kooney tehey bangameul pyohyonhan meeguk saram chongey meeguk keegwaneul weehey ilhago in neun sarameul algo itseumneeka? |
미국 또는 연합군에 대해 반감을 표현한 미국 사람 중에 미국 기관을 위해 일하고 있는 사람을 알고 있습니까? |
Do you know of anyone who works on a U.S. facility that has been approached by an anti-U.S. or anti-coalition group? |
panmee toneun panyonhap chojeekwa jeopsaanhaneun meeguk keegwan jeegwoneul algo itseumneeka? |
반미 또는 반연합조직과 접선하는 미국기관 직원을 알고 있습니까? |