Warning, United States Soldiers will be conducting a search of the area! |
kyeongo, meegunteuree eecheeyaw-eul sooseykhal kasimneedaa |
경고, 미군들이 이지역을 수색할 것입니다. |
We are looking for individuals who are planning attacks against ___ and coalition forces. |
___ waa yeonhabkun kongkaageul keyhweykhan eenmeentureul chatko is-sumneedaa |
___와 연합군 공격을 계획한 인민들을 찾고 있습니다. |
We are looking for weapons that are being used to hurt ___ and coalition forces. Please prepare your home for inspection! |
___ kwaa yeonhabkun kong-gyeogey sayonghan moogeereul chakgo itaa. kajeongeul sooseykhal tenee chunbee haasiyo |
___과 연합군 공격에 사용한 무기를 찾고 있다. 가정을 수색할테니 준비하시오. |
We are here to help the Korean people. |
ooreenun hangok minteureul tobkeeweehey yeogeeye was-sumneedaa |
우리는 한국민들을 돕기위해 여기에 왔습니다. |
Please be advised that soldiers will not hesitate in defending themselves if threatened. |
kooninturee awtan weehyeop eyseodo chasineul pangeohaagee weehey mamutkareejee an-nun taanun chameul algo isoosiyo |
군인들이 어떤 위협에서도 자신을 방어하기위해 머뭇거리지 않는 다는 점을 알고 있으시오. |
We greatly appreciate your cooperation. |
hyeobchoey changmal kamsaa hamndeedaa |
협조에 정말 감사합니다. |
Please open your doors. |
mooneul yawshiyo |
문을 여시오. |
Remain outside in your yard until the search is complete. |
sooseygee kun-nal teykaajee pakatey iseuseeyo |
수색이 끝날 때까지 바깥에 있으시오. |
When the soldiers arrive at your house, the homeowner can walk them through the search. |
kooninturee cheebey tochakhaltey sip chooeenee soosyekhal kotkaajee an-neyhalsoo is-sumneedaa |
군인들이 집에 도착할 때, 집 주인이 수색할 곳까지 안내할 수 있습니다. |
We are not here to harm anyone. |
hereul ipeegee weehey eegosey ongaasee aanimneeda |
해를 입히기 위해 이곳에 온 것이 아닙니다. |
Our goal is to increase security in the area. |
ooreeyay mokpyonun eegosee powaaneul kanghwaahaanun kotsimneedaa |
우리의 목표는 이곳의 보안을 강화하는 것입니다. |
Thank you for your cooperation. |
hyeopchohey chosyeosa kamsaahamneedaa |
협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. |
You are permitted to have a weapon to defend your home. |
cheebeul pohohaagee weehan mogeesojeegaa horaktwamneedaa |
집을 보호하기 위한 무기소지가 허락됩니다. |
The soldiers will not seize weapons used for home security if the homeowner identifies them to us before we find them. |
kooneenee palgyanhaagee chaney moogee singooreul hamyan kajangeul powhaagee weehan moogeenun absoohaajee aaneul kosimneedaa |
군인이 발견하기 전에 무기 신고를 하면, 가정을 보호하기 위한 무기는 압수하지 않을 것입니다. |
If the soldiers find unauthorized weapons in the house or yard the homeowner will be apprehended. |
kooneenee heogaa patchee aanun moogeereul chipaanneyseona madangeyso palgyanhaamyeon, chipchoo eenun cheypotweyl katsimneedaa |
군인이 허가 받지 않은 무기를 집안에서나 마당에서 발견하면, 집주인은 체포될 것입니다. |