Do you have information about anti-coalition activity? |
panyeonhap hwaltongey teyhan cheonbogaa isumneekaa? |
반연합활동에 대한 정보가 있습니까? |
Please wait while I locate a translator. |
ponyeokhal saraamee oltey kaajee keedaareesipseeyo |
번역할 사람이 올 때가지 기다리십시요. |
Please come to the battalion compound to speak with Marine investigators. |
heybyongdey chosagwaaneul man-naareo teydeyro oosipseeyo |
해병대 조사관을 만나러 대대로 오십시요. |
Do you know where enemy soldiers are located? |
chakgoonee awdiye in-nunjee aasimneekaa? |
적군이 어디에 있는지 아십니까? |
Do you know where weapons are located? |
moogeegaa odeeye in-ninjee aasimneeka? |
무기가 어디에 있는지 아십니까? |