Hello, I am a United States Marine. |
anyeong haaseyo, nan meegun hepyongdey imneedaa |
안녕하세요, 난 미군 해병대입니다. |
Hello, I am a United States Soldier. |
anyeong haaseyo, nan meegun imneedaa |
안녕하세요, 난 미군입니다. |
May peace be upon you. |
pyeonhee jeeneyshipsheeyo |
편히 지내십시요. |
With whom would you like to meet? |
noogooreul man-naago shipooshimneekaa? |
누구를 만나고 싶으십니까? |
Do you have an appointment? |
yaksogee tweyaw is-sumneekaa? |
약속이 되어 있습니까? |
What time is your appointment? |
yaksogee myasee imneekaa? |
약속이 몇 시입니까? |
Please demonstrate using your fingers. |
sonkarag saayong haneun kawseul poyaw chooshipseeyo |
손가락 사용하는 것을 보여 주십시요. |
Please wait while I check if he is in the compound. |
poodeye in-neunjee aaraa poneun tongnan kidaareeshipseeyo |
부대에 있는지 알아 보는 동안 기다리십시요. |
Do you have information concerning anti-coalition activity? |
panyeonhap hwaltongey teyhan cheongbogaa itsumneekaa? |
반연합활동에 대한 정보가 있습니까? |
Please wait while I contact Marine investigators. |
heypyangdey chosakwan eygey yeonlak haaneun tongan keedaaree shipseeyo |
해병대 조사관에게 연락하는 동안 기다리십시요. |
Please check again in a week. |
han joohwey taashee hwaaginhey poshipseeyo |
한 주후에 다시 확인해 보십시요. |
Before entering the compound, I have to search you. |
poodeye tooreokaagee chawney, mom sooseygul hey-yaaman hamneedaa |
부대에 들어가기 전에, 몸 수색을 해야만 합니다. |
Please proceed to the search area. |
soosek chyeokeuro kaashipseeyo |
수색지역으로 가십시요. |
I can only search one person at a time. |
han boney hansaaram-man sooseykhal soo itsumneedaa |
한 번에 한사람만 수색할 수 있습니다. |
Please show me your identification. |
kongmin cheungeul poyaw chooshipseeyo |
공민증을 보여 주십시요. |
Are you in possession of any weapons? |
moogeereul soyoohaago itsumneekaa? |
무기를 소유하고 있습니까? |
If so, I must hold onto your weapon while you are in the compound. |
moogeegaa itsumyeon, poodeye inun tongan moogeereul yawgeeye nwaadoogo kayaaman hamneedaa |
무기가 있으면, 부대에 있는 동안 무기를 여기에 놔두고 가야만 합니다. |
I will return it to you when you leave. |
tangshinee teonaltey toleyow chooget tsumneedaa |
당신이 떠날때 돌려 주겠습니다. |
Please spread your feet shoulder width apart and hold your hands up. |
owkey mankum tareereul peol-leego tsonul weero ol-lee shipseeyo |
어깨만큼 다리를 벌리고 손을 위로 올리십시요. |
Thank you for your cooperation. |
hyapchohey choosheotsa kamsaa hamneedaa |
협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. |