What is the type and name of the boat? |
gaa noat nu'H baip naa neung chmoo aH ay ee? |
What weapons are mounted on the boat? |
aa wu't baip naa klaH dail dom laWng joa up neung gaa noat nu'H? |
Does a military or a civilian manufacturer produce the boat? |
pol leut dte gor yoa tee a rœ see wil pol leut dte gaa noat nu'H? |
Does this boat belong to the military? |
gaa noat niH jee a ro boH yoa tee a rœ? |
What identifying marks are located on the boat? Weapons? Equipment? |
sun nyaa som goa ul ay ee klaH mee un nou lUh gaa noat nu'H? aa wu't? bor ree kaa? |
Is there a communication mast on the boat? |
mee un dorng gay uk mo nee a gu'm nou lUh gaa noat nu'H dtay? |
Where and when did you last observe this boat? |
nou gon laing naa neung nou bpayl naa dail nay uk song gayt kUhgn gaa noat niH jong grao ee bong oH? |
Did another boat support and protect this boat? |
mee un gaa noat moo ay dtee ut joo uy jroam jrairng neung gaa bpee a gaa noat niH dtay? |
Did the boat have a flat or round bottom? |
gaa noat nu'H mee un baat som bpait rœ gror lop? |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
nou gon laing naa dail gay duk yee un niH dtu'k? |