What is the type and name of the vehicle? |
yee un nu'H baip naa neung chmoo aH ay ee? |
What types of weapons were mounted on the vehicle? |
aa wu't baip naa klaH dail dtom laWng joa up neung yee un nu'H? |
Where and when did you last observe this vehicle? |
nou gon lai naa neung nou bpay naa dail nay uk song gayt kUhgn yee un niH jong grao ee bong oH? |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
nou gon laing naa dail gay duk yee un niH dtu'k? |
Is this vehicle military or civilian? |
niH jee a yee un yoa tee a rœ see wil? |
What changes have been made to the vehicle? |
gaa plaH pdoa ay klaH dail gay baan twUh tou lUh yee un niH? |
Is the vehicle wheeled or tracked? |
yee un niH bor lUh plou rœ bor lUh plou daik? |
Does the vehicle have a communications system? |
yee un niH mee un bpror bpoa un gay uk ma nee a gu'm dtay? |
Describe the vehicle to me. |
som bpoa a na nee a yee un nu'H bprup kinyom |
What else can you tell me about this vehicle? |
mee un ay ee dtee ut dtay dail nay uk aach bprup kinyom baan om bpee yee un niH? |