Warning, United States Soldiers will be conducting a search of the area! |
som bprup ao ee deung mu'n, dtee a hee un aa may ree' gung neung twUh gaa chaik chay knong dom bon niH! |
We are looking for individuals who are planning attacks against ___ and coalition forces. |
yUhng roak mu'k bo' gu'l klaH dail groang wai bpror haa lUh ___ neung lUh gorng gom lung jom roH |
We are looking for weapons that are being used to hurt ___ and coalition forces. Please prepare your home for inspection! |
yUhng roak meul aa wu't dail gay bpraW daWm bay wai bpror haa ___ neung gorng gom lung jom roH som may dtaa ree up jom ptay aH som rup yUhng chaik! |
We are here to help the Cambodian people. |
yUhng moak niH daWm bay joo uy bpror jee a ju'n k'mai |
Please be advised that soldiers will not hesitate in defending themselves if threatened. |
soam ju'm ree up taa dtee a hee un neung mun nyo nyUht neung gaa bpee a kloo un gay dtay baW mee un gaa gu'm ree um |
We greatly appreciate your cooperation. |
yUhng or gu'n jee a a' naik jom bpoo aH sa ha' gaa nay uk |
Please open your doors. |
soam baWk twee a |
Remain outside in your yard until the search is complete. |
som nou kaang grao knong tlee a nay uk ro hoat dol bpayl gay chaik roo uch |
When the soldiers arrive at your house, the homeowner can walk them through the search. |
bpayl dtee a hee un moak dol ptay aH, ma jaH ptay aH aach noa um dtou bong haagn gru'p jrork knong ptay aH ao ee gay chaik |
We are not here to harm anyone. |
yUhng mun mairn moak niH twUh baap no naa dtay |
Our goal is to increase security in the area. |
goal dao yUhng gœ bong gaWn son dte' sok knong dom bon niH |
Thank you for your cooperation. |
or gu'n jom bpoo uH sa ha' gaa nay uk |
You are permitted to have a weapon to defend your home. |
gay a' nu' nyaat ao ee mee un aa wu't moo ay som rup gaa bpee a ptay aH nay uk |
The soldiers will not seize weapons used for home security if the homeowner identifies them to us before we find them. |
dtee a hee un neung mun reup oah dork aa wu't som rup gaa bpee a son dte' sok ptay aH dtay baW nay uk ma jaH ptay aH yoak moak bong haagn mu'n bpayl gay chaik kUhgn |
If the soldiers find unauthorized weapons in the house or yard the homeowner will be apprehended. |
baW dtee a hee un roak kUhgn aa wu't dail gay mun a' nu' nyaat knong ptay aH rœ tlee a, gay neung jup nay uk ma jaH ptay aH |