What is the type and name of the vehicle? |
shinoo no' oo isim is sayaara? |
شنو نوع وإسم السیارة؟ |
What types of weapons were mounted on the vehicle? |
shinoo chaan no' is silaaH il maHmool bil 'ajala? |
شنو چان نوع السلاح المحمول بالعجلة؟ |
Where and when did you last observe this vehicle? |
wayn wi shwakit aaKher mara shifit haThee is sayaara? |
وین وشوکت آخر مرة شفت هذي السیارة؟ |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
wayn is sayaara maKhzoona? |
وین السیارة مخزونة؟ |
Is this vehicle military or civilian? |
haThee is sayaara 'askareeya lo madaneeya? |
هذي السیارة عسکریة لو مدنیة؟ |
What changes have been made to the vehicle? |
shinoo it taghyeeraat iS Saayra 'aleyhaa? |
شنو التغییرات الصایرة علیها؟ |
Is the vehicle wheeled or tracked? |
haThee is sayaara mudawlaba lo masHooba? |
هذي السیارة مدولبة لو مسحوبة؟ |
Does the vehicle have a communications system? |
is sayaara beeha jihaaz manDhoomat muwaaSalaat? |
السیارة بیها جهاز منظومة مواصلات؟ |
Describe the vehicle to me. |
oSif lee is sayaara |
أوصف لي السیارة |
What else can you tell me about this vehicle? |
shinoo ba'ad tigdar itgulee 'ala haay is sayaara? |
شنو بعد تگدر تگلي علی هاي السیارة؟ |