We will receive the EPWs from the combat units. |
eHna nistilim asra il Harb min il waHdaat il muqatela |
أحنا نستلم اسرى الحرب من الوحدات المقاتلة |
We have to evacuate the EPWs from the battle zone. |
lazim nenqul asra il Harb min saHet il Harb |
لازم ننقل اسرى الحرب من ساحة الحرب |
We will deliver the EPWs to the proper authorities. |
raH insalim asra il Harb lij jeehaat il mas-oola |
راح نسلم اسرى الحرب للجهات المسؤولة |
We are here to enforce the law. |
eHna hna Hata inTabuq il qanoon |
إحنا هنا حتى نطبق القانون |
We are here to assist the local law enforcement if needed. |
eHna hna il musa'adat rejal il qanoon il aHaleeyeen 'and iDh Dharoora |
إحنا هنا لمساعدة رجال القانون المحليين عند الضرورة |
We will respond to any attack. |
raH enrud 'ala ay hujoom |
راح نرد على اي هجوم |
We are here to protect the loading zones. |
eHna hna il Himayat manTaqet it taHmeel |
إحنا هنا لحماية منطقة التحميل |
We are patrolling the road to detect and defeat threats. |
eHna danqoom bid dawreeya lil Hemaya wil taSadee il ay KhaTar |
إحنا دنقوم بالدورية للحماية والتصدي لاي خطر |
We are mapping the terrain features. |
eHna danursim it taDharees |
إحنا دنرسم التضاريس |
We will protect these pipelines. |
eHna raH niHmi anabeeb in nafeT |
إحنا راح نحمي انابيب النفط |
We are providing security to this convoy. |
eHna danwafir il Hemaya il hal qafila |
إحنا د نوفر الحماية لهالقافلة |
How far away is this town? |
shgad bu'ad hal balda? |
شگد بعد هالبلدة؟ |
What is the name of this ridgeline? |
shisma hal KhaT il 'aruDh |
شسم هالخط العارض؟ |
Where are the water pipes? |
wayn anabeeb il my? |
وين انابيب الماي؟ |
Is there any nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) contamination in the area? |
aku talawuth nawawee, bayolojee, aw keemyawee ebhal manTaqa? |
أكو تلوث نووي ، بايولوجي ، او كيمياوي بهالمنطقة؟ |
The barriers will prevent any attacks. |
il Hawajez raH timna' ay hujoom |
الحواجز راح تمنع اي هجوم |
Leave! This is a contaminated area. |
iTla'oo! hay manTaqa mitlawtha |
إطلعوا! هاي منطقة متلوثة |
Stay away from the railways. |
ibta'doo 'an KhuTooT is sikak il Hadeedeeya |
إبتعدوا عن خطوط السكك الحديدية |
Stay away! This is a restricted zone. |
ibte'id! hay manTaqa muHarama |
إبتعد! هاي منطقة محرمة |
Don't move. |
la titHarak |
لا تتحرك |