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Play Button What is the caliber and type of the weapon? Play Button ahpah kaaleeber dahn jenees senjaatah eetoo? apa kaliber dan jenis senjata itu?
Play Button How large was the rifle? Play Button beraapah besarnyah senaapahn eetoo? berapa besarnya senapan itu?
Play Button Did the rifle have a scope? Play Button ahpah senaapahn eetoo poonyah teleskop? apa senapan itu punya teleskop?
Play Button Was any part of the weapon made of wood? Play Button ahpah ahdah baagyahn senjaatah eetoo yahng terboowaht dahree kaayoo? apa ada bagian senjata itu yang terbuat dari kayu?
Play Button Could the part of the rifle, which touches the shoulder, be folded? How large was the magazine? Play Button daapaatkah baagyahn senaapahn, yahng menyentoo baahoo eetoo, deeleepaht? dapatkah bagian senapan, yang menyentuh bahu itu, dilipat?
Play Button How large was the magazine? Play Button beraapah besarnyah maagaasen eetoo? berapa besarnya magasen itu?
Play Button Was other equipment added to the weapon? Play Button ahpah ahdah perlong-kaapahn laayin lahgee yahng dee-taambaakahn paadah senjaatah eetoo? apa ada perlengkapan lain lagi yang ditambahkan pada senjata itu?
Play Button What other equipment was near the weapon? Play Button ahpah ahdah perlong-kaapahn laayin lahgee yahng ber-aadah dee dekaht senjaatah eetoo? apa ada perlengkapan lain yang berada di dekat senjata itu?
Play Button What was the size of the pistol? Play Button beraapah oogoorahn peestol eetoo? berapa ukuran pistol itu?
Play Button Where was the pistol carried? Play Button dee maanah peestol eetoo deebaawah? di mana pistol itu dibawa?
Play Button What special equipment was added to the pistol? Play Button perlong-kaapahn koosoos ahpah yahng deetaambaakahn paadah peestol eetoo? perlengkapan khusus apa yang ditambahkan pada pistol itu?
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