What is the caliber and type of the weapon? |
ahpah kaaleeber dahn jenees senjaatah eetoo? |
apa kaliber dan jenis senjata itu? |
How large was the rifle? |
beraapah besarnyah senaapahn eetoo? |
berapa besarnya senapan itu? |
Did the rifle have a scope? |
ahpah senaapahn eetoo poonyah teleskop? |
apa senapan itu punya teleskop? |
Was any part of the weapon made of wood? |
ahpah ahdah baagyahn senjaatah eetoo yahng terboowaht dahree kaayoo? |
apa ada bagian senjata itu yang terbuat dari kayu? |
Could the part of the rifle, which touches the shoulder, be folded?
How large was the magazine? |
daapaatkah baagyahn senaapahn, yahng menyentoo baahoo eetoo, deeleepaht? |
dapatkah bagian senapan, yang menyentuh bahu itu, dilipat? |