![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where and when did you see the unexploded ammunition? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
saadeenoo ken ka-aano ng-a nakeetam tee sa-aan paay aa bimtaak ng-a aamyunishyan? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Sadino ken kaano nga nakitam ti saan pay a bimtak nga amyunision? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
What is the name and caliber of the weapon? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
aanyaa tee naagan ken kaleebrey tee armaas? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Ania ti nagan ken kalibre ti armas? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
What identifying marks were located on the weapon? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
aanyaa tee ayaana daageetee paaagilaaseenan ng-a marmarkaa tee armaas? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Ania ti ayanna dagiti pagilasinan nga marmarka ti armas? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Who marked the site? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
aseenoo tee nagmaarka tee loogan? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Asino ti nagmarka ti lugan? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |