What foreigners live in this area? |
waDan-ne eereen ba-Kee Yan Kasa-shen wajeh ne key zaw-nee a wan-nan wooree? |
Waɗanne irin baƙi 'yan ƙasashn waje ne ke zaune a wannan wuri? |
What foreigners have you observed in this area? |
waDan-ne eereen ba-Ken moo-tanee ney ka loora da soo a wan-nan wooree? |
Waɗanne irin baƙin mutane ne ka lura da su a wannan wuri? |
Where is the exact location of the foreigners' home? |
a eena geedan ba-Ken moota-nen yakey? |
A ina gidan baƙin mutanen yake? |
When was the last time you saw these foreigners? |
yaw-shey ka yee wa ba-Ken ganee na Kar-shey? |
Yaushe kayi wa baƙin gani na ƙarshe? |
What country are these individuals from? |
waDan-nan moota-ney, Yan wachey Kasa ney? |
Waɗanan mutane, 'yan wace ƙasa ne? |
When did they arrive here? |
yaw-shey sooka eesow a nan? |
Yaushe suka iso a nan? |
How did they get here? |
ya-yah sooka zow nan? |
Yaya suka zo nan? |
What local people have you observed associating with these foreigners? |
waDan-ne moota-ne ma-zaw-na nan ney ka-ga soona choo-Danya da ba-Ken? |
Waɗanne mutane mazauna nan ne kaga suna cuɗanya da baƙin? |
At what places do the foreigners routinely gather or meet? |
ga-lee-bee a eena ney waDan-nan ba-Ken sooka sa-bah ta-roo-wa? |
Galibi a ina ne waɗanan baƙin suka saba taruwa? |
What vehicles do these foreigners drive? |
waDan-ne eereen mow-tow-chee ne ba-Ken soo-key jah? |
Waɗanne irin motoci ne baƙin suke ja? |
What are their names? |
mee-ney ney soona-yen-soo? |
Mine ne sunayensu? |
What group (cell) do they belong to? |
soo Yan wachey Koon-geeya che? |
Su 'yan wace ƙungiya ce? |
Do you know of any plans to attack US facilities? |
kana saney da wanee shee-ren kay-wa kada-row-reen amoorka haree? |
Kana sane da wani shirin kaiwa kadarorin Amurka hari? |
Who will conduct this attack? |
soo wa-yeh za-soo ka-wo haren? |
Su waye zasu kawo harin? |
When will this attack take place? |
yaw-shey za-ah ka-wo haren? |
Yaushe za'a kawo harin? |
Where will the attack take place? |
a eena za-a kay haren? |
A ina za'a kai harin? |
When did you last hear about this attack? |
toon yaw-shey ney a karon Kar-shey kajee la-ba-reen wan-nan haren? |
Tun yashe ne, a karon ƙarshe, kaji labarin wannan harin? |
Which group is planning to conduct this attack? |
wachey Kun-gee-ya che ke shee-reen ta ka-wo wan-nan haren? |
Wace ƙungiya ce ke shirin ta kawo wannan harin? |
What groups or individuals in this area express anti-US sentiment? |
waDan-ne Koon-geeyow-yee kow moota-ney ney suke bay-yana ada-wa ga amoorka? |
Wadanne ƙungiyoyi ko mutane ne suke bayyana adawa ga Amurka? |
What groups or individuals in this area express anti-host nation sentiment? |
waDan-ne Koon-geeyow-yee kow moota-ney ney ke noona-wa gwam-na-ten Kasar nan ada-wah? |
Waɗanne ƙungiyoyi ko mutane ne ke nunawa gwamnatin ƙasar nan adawa? |