We will receive the enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) from the combat units. |
ngo min jeeyon tsong dzen doe poo doee jeeye so dzen foo |
我们将从战斗部队接收战俘。 |
We have to evacuate the enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) from the battle zone. |
ngo min bee Shee ba dzen foo tsong dzen tsong Che lee |
我们必须把战俘从战场撤离。 |
We will deliver the enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) to the proper authorities. |
ngo min yo ba dzen foo song dao he si gaa foo dze jee go |
我们要把战俘送到合适的负责机构。 |
We are here to enforce the law. |
ngo min si lay dzi fa gaa |
我们是来执法的。 |
We are here to assist the local law enforcement if needed. |
bee yo si ngo min wee She dzoo behn dee gaa dzi fa jee gwan |
必要时,我们会协助本地的执法机关。 |
We will respond to any attack. |
ngo min jon fee jeet lin ho Shee jeet |
我们将回击任何袭击。 |
We are here to protect the loading zones. |
ngon min si lay bao foo dzong dzai Chee gaa |
我们是来保护装载区的。 |
We are patrolling the road to detect and defeat threats. |
ngo min yuan loo Shun lo dzen tsa been Sheeyo meeye len ho wee She |
我们沿路巡逻,侦察并消灭任何威胁。 |
We are mapping the terrain features. |
ngo min dzai khun dze tee si |
我们在勘测地势。 |
We will protect these pipelines. |
ngo min wee bao foo gay She gwon tao |
我们会保护这些管道。 |
We are providing security to this convoy. |
ngo min tee goong foo we doee ngan Choen bao foo |
我们提供护卫队安全保护。 |
How far away is this town? |
gay dza dzen yo jee yuan? |
这个镇有多远? |
What is the name of this ridgeline? |
gay dza san jeet jeeyo Shi lee? |
这个山脊叫什么? |
Where are the water pipes? |
sooee gwan dzai la lee? |
水管在哪里? |
Is there any nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) contamination in the area? |
gay ge Chee yo lin ho heh dzi sen woo ho fa hao woo lin ma? |
这个区有任何核子,生物或化学污染吗? |