We are leading a convoy through this area. |
ngo min dzen day leen yi goh foo we doee tsuan goh gay dza Chee |
我们正带领一个护卫队穿过这个区。 |
We are responsible for the security of the convoy. |
ngo min foo dze foo we doee gaa ngan Choen |
我们负责护卫队的安全。 |
We must conduct safety inspections on all the vehicles. |
ngo min bee Shee doee soh yo tsaa leeung jeen Sheen ngan Choen jen tsa |
我们必须对所有车辆进行安全检查。 |
We must drive the convoy through this intersection. |
ngo min bee Shee daay leen foo we doee tsuan goh gay ge loo keo |
我们必须带领队护卫穿过这个路口。 |
We are escorting the convoy. |
ngo min dzen soee toon foo we doee Sheen jeen |
我们正随同护卫队行进。 |
We must seek an alternate route. |
ngo min bee Shee dzao Chee ta tee taay loo jeen |
我们必须找其他替代路径。 |
We will use tanks to detonate mines. |
ngo min wee yoong tahn keh een bao tee louie |
我们会用坦克引爆地雷。 |
Snipers may fire on convoys in this area. |
gay dze dee Chee koh len we yo dzoo jee so doee foo we doee kaay foh |
这个地区可能会有狙击手对护卫队开火。 |
Unexploded ordnance may be planted in the road. |
tee dee ha koh len wee may yo wee een bao gaa pao tahn |
地底下可能会埋有未引爆的炮弹。 |
The convoy will continue when the ambush is suppressed. |
too Chee yi tahn pey dzen yah ho foo we doee jon jee Shee Cheeyen jeen |
突击一旦被镇压后护卫队将继续前进。 |
Is there a bridge to cross the river? |
yo Cheeyo koh ee goh hoh maa? |
有桥可以过河吗? |
Will this bridge support heavy vehicles? |
gay dzo Cheeyo koh ee tsen so tsen dzong gaa tsaa leeung maa? |
这座桥可以承受沉重的车辆吗? |
Does this road lead through any towns? |
gay teeyo loo toon wahn len ho tsen dzen maa? |
这条路通往任何城镇吗? |
Does this road lead through heavy traffic areas? |
gay teeyo loo toon wahn len hoh gao toon fon mong tee Chee maa? |
这条路通往任何交通繁忙地区吗? |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
goh lee you ngo fon poo doee maa? |
这里有我方部队吗? |