This road block (RB) is to limit access to this road. |
gay dze loo dzong si yoong lay han dzi gay teeyoloo gaa toon Sheen |
这个路障是用来限制这条路的通行。 |
This road block (RB) is to close access to this road. |
gay dze loo dzong si yoong lay gwon bee gay teeyo loo gaa toon Sheen |
这个路障是用来关闭这条路的通行 |
These road blocks (RBs) and control points (CPs) will ensure only authorized use of this main supply route (MSR). |
gay dze loo dzong ho tsa leeung jen tsaa dzan si yoong lay koh bao gay teeeyo dzu yo kong gay loo Sheeyn song dzi yo jeen Shee koh gaa tsaa leeung toon Sheen |
这个路障和车辆检查站是用来确保这条主要供给路线上只有经许可的车辆通行。 |
These road blocks (RBs) and control points (CPs) will ensure that convoys move on schedule. |
gay dze loo dzong ho tsaa leeung jeeyen tsa dzan si yoong lay koh bao hong tsaa ngan si toon Sheen |
这个路障和车辆检查站是用来确保护航车按时通行。 |
The position of road blocks (RBs)/control points (CPs) will change constantly. |
loo dzong ho tsaa leeung jeeyen tsa dzan gaa fon wee wee soee si beeyen toong |
路障和车辆检查站的方位会随时变动。 |
In a single team operation one member will stop and direct traffic. |
dzai dahn dzu tsao dzoh gaa Cheeyng kwan ha yi goh tsen yuan wee teeng ha lay dzi fee gao toon |
在单组操作的情况下,一个成员会停下指挥交通。 |
We don't allow anyone to pass without a proper ID. |
ngo min bo yun Shee lin ho mao yoo heh fa sen fen dzen gaa nin toon Sheen |
我们不允许任何没有合法身份证的人通行。 |
What is your cargo? |
nen dzai yun gaa foh woo si Shi lee? |
你载运的货物是什么? |
Where are your cargo documents? |
nen gaa dzai foh wen jeeyn tsaay la lee? |
你的载货文件在哪里? |
Where does your cargo originate from? |
nen gaa foh woo tsong la lee lay? |
你的货物从哪里来? |
Where did you pick up your cargo? |
nen dzai la lee Chuee gaa foh? |
你在哪里取的货? |
What is your destination? |
nen yo jeh la lee? |
你要去哪里? |
We will prevent actions that would aid the enemy. |
ngo min wee eev foong lin ho yo lee tee joon gaa Sheen wee fa sen |
我们会预防任何有利敌军的行为发生。 |
We will inspect cargo when instructed to do so. |
loo go pey yo Cho ngo min wee jeeyen tsa yun foh |
如果被要求我们会检查运货。 |
We will stop locals from supplying the enemy. |
ngo min wee dzu dzi behn dee nin tee goong tee joon goong gay peen |
我们会阻止本地人提供敌军供给品。 |
We are here to stop black market operations. |
ngo min si lay dzu dzi heh si gao ee gaa |
我们是来阻止黑市交易的。 |
We will establish an area for searching vehicles. |
ngo min wee se dzi yi go tsaa leeung jeeyen tsa Chee |
我们会设置一个车辆搜查区。 |
We have vehicles ready to pursue those avoiding the road blocks (RBs). |
ngo min pee yo tsaa leeung lay dzooy dzong le She do pe tsa loo dzong gaa tsaa |
我们备有车辆来追踪那些躲避路障的车。 |
We must prepare defensive positions. |
ngo min bee Shee dzun bee foong so wee dzi |
我们必须准备防守位置。 |
We will block roadway shoulders and ditches around road blocks (RBs). |
ngo min yao fon bee loo dzong foo jeen gaa loo jeeyen ho how go |
我们要封闭路障附近的路肩和壕沟。 |