We will set up traffic control points (TCPs) in the area. |
ngo min wee dzai ge dze Chee se dzi tsaa leeung jeeyen tsa dzan |
我们会在这个区设置车辆检查站。 |
The traffic control point (TCP) locations will be decided by the MPs. |
Sheeyn been doee wee jue deen tsaa leeung jeeyen tsa dzan gaa tee deeyn |
宪兵队会决定车辆检查站的地点。 |
The traffic control point (TCP) personnel will work hard to prevent delays. |
tsaa leeung jeeyen tsa dzan gaa lin yuan wee jeen leeung bo yen woo gao toon |
车辆检查站的人员会尽量不延误交通。 |
Our traffic control point (TCP) team will keep records of passing vehicles and units. |
ngo min gaa tsaa leeung jen tsa dzan Sho dzu wee jee loo ha goh wong gaa tsaa leeung ho fen doee |
我们的车辆检查站小组会记录下过往的车辆和分队。 |
The traffic control point (TCP) will apprehend violators. |
tsaa leeung jeeyen tsa dzan wee day poo wee goee dzah |
车辆检查站会逮捕违规者。 |
Make sure refugee traffic does not delay military traffic. |
Chung koh bao nan min gaa toon Sheen bo wee yen woo poo doee gaa toon Sheen |
请确保难民的通行不会延误部队的通行。 |
The traffic control point (TCP) personnel will reroute traffic as needed. |
loo goh Shee yo tsaa leeung jen tsa dzan gaa lin yuan wee gai beeyen tsaa leeung Sheen si loo Sheeyn |
如果需要,车辆检查站的人员会改变车辆行驶路线。 |
Our mission is ongoing until further notice. |
Choo fee lin Sheen toon dzi ngo min gaa len woo dzo Chong jeen Sheen |
除非另行通知,我们的任务照旧进行。 |
Food and water will be supplied by other units. |
soee ho si woo yo Chee ta foon doee tee goong |
水和食物由其他分队提供。 |
Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection equipment will be provided. |
wee tee goong heh dzi sen woo ho fa hao jeeyen dzi ee Chee |
会提供核子生物和化学检测仪器。 |
Reflective arm cuffs will be provided. |
wee tee goong fun gwon bi fan |
会提供反光臂环。 |
Enemy may use agents acting as refugees. |
tee lin koh len wee lee yoong teh goong ga bahn dzen nan min |
敌人可能会利用特工假扮成难民。 |
Safety is very important during all operations. |
soh yo Sheen toong do ee ngan Choen wee dzong |
所有行动都以安全为重。 |
We do not allow unauthorized personnel to observe traffic movement. |
lin ho wee joon Shee koh lin yuan bo dzen gen dze gao toon dzuong kwan |
任何未经许可人员不准监测交通状况。 |
What is the size of the enemy force? |
tee joon gooee mo yoo do taay? |
敌军规模有大? |
Where is the exact location of the enemy? |
tee jeen koh Che wee dzi tsai la? |
敌军确切位置在哪? |
When exactly did you see enemy units? |
nen koh Che dzai Shi lee si gan khun dao tee joon poo doee? |
你确切在什么时候看到敌军部队? |
What types of enemy units did you see? |
nen khun dao la dzong tee joon poo doee? |
你看到哪种敌军部队? |
What type of equipment did the enemy units carry? |
nen khun dao gaa tee joon poo doee tsi yoo se me yong gaa woo Chee? |
你看到的敌军部队持有什么样的武器? |
Watch for guerilla activities. |
dong Sheen yo jee doee Sheen toon |
当心游击队行动。 |
Watch for conventional enemy forces. |
dong Sheen tee lin tsong goee joon doee |
当心敌人常规军队。 |
Watch for enemy aircraft. |
dong Sheen tee lin fee jee |
当心敌军飞机。 |
Report to us about local inhabitants in the area. |
Sheeyon ngo min fee bao gay dze Chuee gaa behn dee juee min |
向我们汇报这个区的本地居民。 |
Set up signs to show directions and distance to traffic control points (TCPs). |
wee dze Sheeyn si tsaa leeung jen tsa dzan fon Sheeyon ho juee lee gaa loo beeyo |
设置显示车辆检查站方向和距离的路标。 |
Direct refugees to refugee routes. |
gay lan min nin dzi si lan min loo Sheeyn |
给难民们指示难民路线。 |