Do you know anyone who is employed on the US facility? |
nen Sheeyo de len hoh so goo yu mey gwoh dzudzi gaa neen maa? |
你知道任何受雇于美国组织的人吗? |
Do you know of anyone who works with US forces who has participated in anti-US, anti-coalition, or anti-government protests? |
nen Sheeyo de len ho tsen tsan ga gwoh fanmey, fan leeyanmog, fuo fandzenfoo sziwey gaa mey gwoh goo nuan maa? |
你知道任何曾参加过反美,反联盟或反政府示威的美国雇员吗? |
Do you know anyone who is employed on the US facility that has expressed dislike or displeasure toward the US or coalition forces? |
nen Sheeyo de len ho tsen beeyo szi doee mey gwoh dzen foo fuo leeyn mong juen bo man gaa mey gwoh goo nuan maa? |
你知道任何曾表示对美国政府或联盟军不满的美国雇员吗? |
Do you know of anyone who works on a US facility that has been approached by an anti-US or anti-coalition group? |
nen Sheeye de len ho tsen tsan ga gwoh fan mey fuo fan leeyn mong dzudzi gaa mey gwoh goo nuan maa? |
你知道任何接触过反美或反联盟组织的美国雇员吗? |