Hello, I am a United States Marine. |
ngen hao, ngo szi mey guo haay jun loo dzan doee szibeen |
你好,我是美国海军陆战队士兵。 |
Hello, I am a United States Soldier. |
ngen hao, ngo szi mey guo szibeen |
你好,我是美国士兵。 |
May peace be upon you. |
bao dzong |
保重。 |
With whom would you like to meet? |
ngen Sheeyong yoo jeeyn la ee goh? |
你想要见谁? |
Do you have an appointment? |
ngen yoo yu you maa? |
你有预约吗? |
What time is your appointment? |
ngen yu you jee deeyn dzong? |
你预约几点钟? |
Please demonstrate using your fingers. |
Cheeyang yong ngen gaa Sheeyo tzi beeyo si |
请用你的手指表示。 |
Please wait while I check if he is in the compound. |
Cheeyang den yi ha, ngo koan jeeye tsay bo tsay jun yong lee |
请等一下,我看他在不在军营里。 |
Do you have information concerning anti-coalition activity? |
ngen yoo mao yoo len ho guanyu fan leeyn mong huo tong gaa SheenShee? |
你有没有任何关于反联盟活动的信息? |
Please wait while I contact Marine investigators. |
Cheeyang deng ngo leeyn law hay jun loodzai doee teeyo tsaa yuan |
请等我联络海军陆战队调查员。 |
Please check again in a week. |
Cheeyang yi dzou hou dzai lay Sheen wen |
请一周后再来询问。 |
Before entering the compound, I have to search you. |
jeen loo jun yong Cheeyn ngo beeShee doee nen seo sen |
进入军营前我必须对你搜身。 |
Please proceed to the search area. |
Cheeyang jeenloo seo tsaa Chee |
请进入搜查区。 |
I can only search one person at a time. |
ngo yi tze tzi len seo tsaa yi goh neen |
我一次只能搜查一个人。 |
Please show me your identification. |
Cheeyang tsoo si nen gaa sen fen dzen |
请出示你的身份证。 |
Are you in possession of any weapons? |
ngen yoo She daay woo Chee maa? |
你有携带武器吗? |
If so, I must hold onto your weapon while you are in the compound. |
loo guo yoo, nen tsay jun yong Chee gan ngo beeShee kouleeyo ngen gaa woo Chee |
如果有,你在军营期间我必须扣留你的武器。 |
I will return it to you when you leave. |
ngen dzeo gaa sihou, ngo wee goee fan gey ngen |
你走的时候,我会归还给你。 |
Please spread your feet shoulder width apart and hold your hands up. |
Cheeyang baa song joh dakaay ee jeeyan tong kuan peen ju Chee song seo |
请把双脚打开与肩同宽并举起双手。 |
Thank you for your cooperation. |
Shyaa Shyaa ngen gaa hoh dzuo |
谢谢你的合作。 |