What is the type and name of the boat? |
shinoo no' oo isim il markab? |
شنو نوع وإسم المرکب؟ |
What weapons are mounted on the boat? |
shinoo il asliHa ilee imrakaba 'ala il markab? |
شنو الأسلحة إللي مرکبة علی المرکب؟ |
Does a military or a civilian manufacturer produce the boat? |
al markab Sun' madanee aw 'askaree? |
المرکب صنع مدني أو عسکري؟ |
Does this boat belong to the military? |
al markab haThaa ye'ood lij jaysh? |
المرکب هذا یعود للجیش؟ |
What identifying marks are located on the boat? Weapons? Equipment? |
shinoo il 'alaamaat il baarza 'ala il markab? asliHa? mu'idaat? |
شنو العلامات البارزة على المركب؟ أسلحة؟ معدات؟ |
Is there a communication mast on the boat? |
akoo saareeyat itiSaalaat 'ala il markab? |
أکو سارية إتصالات علی المرکب؟ |
Where and when did you last observe this boat? |
wayn wo meta shifit haThaa il markab? |
وین ومتی شفت هذا المرکب؟ |
Did another boat support and protect this boat? |
akoo markab thanee yisaa'id wo yiHmee haThaa il markab? |
أكو مرکب ثاني یساعد ویحمي هذا المرکب؟ |
Did the boat have a flat or round bottom? |
qaa'idat il markab 'adla aw imdawara? |
قاعدة المرکب عدلة أو مدورة؟ |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
wayn is sayaara maKhzoona? |
وین السیارة مخزونة؟ |