Where and when did you observe the missile? |
Raaket Raa chi waKht wa daR kujaa deedee? |
راکت را چه وقت و درکجا دیدی؟ |
What is the name and caliber of the weapon? |
naamey in salaah chi wa andaazey aan chiqadaR ast? |
نام این سلاح چه و اندازه ان چقدر است؟ |
What identifying marks were on the weapon? |
in salaah chi 'alaamaat moshaKhasa daasht? |
این سلاح چه علامات مشخصه داشت؟ |
What types of sights were mounted on the weapon? |
kudaam nawa' wasaayaley deed daReen salaah nasb bud? |
کدام نوع وسایل دید درین سلاح نصب بود؟ |
Was the weapon wire-guided? |
in salaah baa seem hidaayat meeshud? |
این سلاح با سیم هدایت میشد؟ |