What is the type and name of the boat? |
naam wa naw'eeyati kishtee cheest? |
نام و نوعیت کشتی چیست؟ |
What weapons are mounted on the boat? |
kudaam nawa' salaah daReen kishtee nasb ast? |
کدام نوع سلاح درین کشتی نصب است؟ |
Does a military or a civilian manufacturer produce the boat? |
in kishtee saaKhtee 'askaRee ast yaa mulkee? |
این کشتی ساخت عسکری است یا ملکی؟ |
Does this boat belong to the military? |
aayaa in kishtee ba 'askaRee ta'aluq daaRad? |
آیا این کشتی به عسکری تعلق دارد؟ |
What identifying marks are located on the boat? Weapons? Equipment? |
daReen kishtee kudaam kudaam alama-ye faaRiqa mawjood ast? salaah? tajheezaat? |
درین کشتی کدام علامه فارقه موجود است؟ سلاح؟ تجهیزات؟ |
Is there a communication mast on the boat? |
daReen kishtee aanteni muKhaabeRatee ast? |
درین کشتی انتن مخابراتی است؟ |
Where and when did you last observe this boat? |
baaRey aKheeR daR kujaa wa chu waKht in kishtee Raa deedee? |
باراخیر درکجا و چه وقت این کشتی را دیدی؟ |
Did another boat support and protect this boat? |
aayaa in kishtee tawasutey kudaam kishtee deegaR kumak wa mohaafezat meyshud? |
آیا این کشتی توسط کدام کشتی دیگر کمک ومحافظت میشد؟ |
Did the boat have a flat or round bottom? |
qaa'idey kishtee hamwaR bud ya giRd? |
قاعده کشتی هموار بود یا گرد؟ |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
in kishtee daR kujaa nigah-daaRee meeshawad? |
این کشتی در کجا نگهداری میشود؟ |