Are there problems with ammunition for the weapons? |
ehstaa cheeyehneh baa maangaa pRobleyma kon ehl baalaa naa aaRmaas? |
Esta tiene ba manga problema con el bala na armas? |
Who buys the ammunition? |
kyehn taa kompRaa ehl baalaa? |
Quen ta compra el bala? |
Where is the ammunition stored? |
dondey ehl maangaa baalaa taa eechaa? |
Donde el manga bala ta itcha? |
Where is the ammunition bought? |
dondey ehl baalaa yaa koompRaa? |
Donde el bala ya cumpra? |
How much ammunition is available for each weapon system? |
kwaanto baalaa ehstey deespooneebley paaRaa oon aaRmaas seesteymaa? |
Cuanto bala este desponeble para un armas sistema? |