Is there a communication mast on the boat? |
yaa cheeyehneh baa komooneekaasyon maasteel o paaloo naa dee ehstey laanchaa? |
Ya tiene ba communicacion mastil o palo na di este lancha? |
Where and when did you last observe this boat? |
dondey ee kwaando too yaa oolteemaa obseeRbaa ehstey laanchaa? |
Donde y cuando tu ya ultimo observa este lancha? |
Did another boat support and protect this boat? |
yaa cheeyehneh baa otRo laanchaa yaa sopoRtaa ee pRootehktaa kon ehstey laanchaa? |
Ya tiene ba otro lancha ya soporta y protecta con este lancha? |
Did the boat have a flat or round bottom? |
ehstey laanchaa baa cheeyehneh plaatehn o Reydondo naa aabaaho? |
Este lancha ba tiene flatten o redondo na abajo? |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
dondey ehstey beyheekoolo yaa eechaa? |
Donde este vehiculo ya itcha? |