We are establishing a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles). |
taa pooney keetaa maanchaa |
Ta pune quita mancha (amo grande pasada esta para puede estrecha el movemento de la tropa y vehiculos). |
The MP will allow traffic to move in only one direction at a time through the defile. |
eh ehm-pee puwehdee laang maandaa paasaa kaadaa oonoo deeReekseeyon oonoo chehmpoo paaRa naa maanchaa |
El MP puede lang manda pasa cada uno dereccion uno tiempo para na mancha. |
Controls at defiles ensure that traffic moves with little delay. |
koontRolaa naa maanchaa eh seegooRaa ehl tRaapeeko mobey kon pookeetoo aatRaasoo |
Controla na mancha e segura el trafico move con puquito atraso. |
Have you been checked by security? |
ehstaabaa yaa too yaan chehkaa naa seekooReedad? |
Estaba ya tu yan checka na securidad? |
Is there heavy traffic in this area? |
yaa cheeyehney baa moocho tRaapeeko naa ehstey loogaaR? |
Ya tiene ba mucho trafico na este lugar? |