Where and when did you see the unexploded ammunition? |
lay haai been do tung maai gay see gin gwor may bau geh gwan for ah? |
你喺边度同埋几时见 过未爆嘅军火呀? |
What is the name and caliber of the weapon? |
gin mo hay giu mut yeh meng tung maai gay daai hou ging ah? |
件武器叫乜嘢名同埋几大口径呀? |
What identifying marks were located on the weapon? |
gin mo hay seung meen yau mut yeh sik bit geh gay ho ah? |
件武器上面有乜嘢识别嘅记号呀? |
Who marked the site? |
haai been gor wak daai gor yin cheung gar? |
係边个划低个现场嫁? |