What is the type and name of the vehicle? |
gar chey haai mut yeh paai jee tung meng ah? |
架车係乜嘢牌子同名呀? |
What types of weapons were mounted on the vehicle? |
gar chey seung meen on chong jor dee mut yeh chung lui geh mo hay ah? |
架车上面安装咗啲乜嘢种类嘅武器呀? |
Where and when did you last observe this vehicle? |
lay haai been do tung maai gay see jui hou gin gwor ley gar chey ah? |
你喺边度同埋几时最后见过呢架车呀? |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
gar chey sou maai haai been do ah? |
架车收埋係边度呀? |
Is this vehicle military or civilian? |
ley gar chey haai gwan yung ding haai mun yung gar? |
呢架车係军用定係民用嫁? |
What changes have been made to the vehicle? |
gar chey yau been do goi chong gwor ah? |
架车有边度改装过呀? |
Is the vehicle wheeled or tracked? |
gar chey haai yung chey look ding haai teet daai daai dung gar? |
架车係用车碌定係铁带带动嫁? |
Does the vehicle have a communications system? |
gar chey yau mo tung sun haai tung ah? |
架车有冇通讯系统 呀? |
Describe the vehicle to me. |
miao suit yat har gar chey bay ngah teng |
描述一下架车比我听 |
What else can you tell me about this vehicle? |
lay chung yau mut gwan yu ley gar chey geh yeh hor yee wah bay ngah teng? |
你重有乜关于呢架车嘅嘢可以话比我听? |