We are establishing a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles). |
ngah day haai gun yat tiu jark lo (yat tiu garm mahn gwan toy tung maai chey leung chuk do ge jark lo) |
我哋起紧一条窄路 (一条减慢军队同埋车辆速度既窄路) |
The MP will allow traffic to move in only one direction at a time through the defile. |
hin bing cheung hui dzee chun chey leung haai lee tiu jark lo do mui chee dan fong heung heng sait |
宪兵將会只准车辆系呢条窄路度每次单方向行使 |
Controls at defiles ensure that traffic moves with little delay. |
jark lo guan jait kok bog kaw tung chin chun dzee hui sou do hing mei ge jor jait |
窄路管制确保交通前进只会受到轻微既阻滞 |
Have you been checked by security? |
lay yau mo jip sou gwor bo on gim char? |
你有冇接受过保安检查? |
Is there heavy traffic in this area? |
haai lay gor kui loi, yau mo fan mong ge gaw tung? |
系呢个区内,有冇繁忙既交通? |
Do you know that this road is off limits to local residents? |
lay dzee m dzee lay tiu lo haai m chun boon day kui men chun yup gar? |
你知吾知呢条路系吾准本地居民进入嫁? |
Move in one direction only. |
dzee chun yat gor fong heung heng sait |
只准一个方向行使 |
Proceed after military vehicles have passed. |
deng gwan chey ging gwor jor sin dzee ho heng |
等军车经过咗先至好行 |
Do not bypass the security checkpoint. |
m ho yill gwor on chuen gim char jarm |
吾好绕过安全检查站 |
Please follow the signs. |
chang gun jui dzee see paai heng |
请跟住指示牌行 |