We will process enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). |
ngah day hui chue lay dik yan ge dzin foo |
我哋会处理敌人既战俘 |
MPs will repatriate EPWs and CIs (civilians internees) later. |
hin bing chee dee hui hin fan dik yan dzin foo tung maai baai kui art ge ping men |
宪兵迟啲会遣返敌人战俘同埋被拘押既平民 |
We will handle all EPWs and CIs according to the provisions of the Geneva Convention. |
ngah day hui yee jill yat loi ah tiu yerk ge kwaai deng lay chui lay dik yan dzin foo tung maai baai kui art ge ping man |
我哋会依照日内瓦条约既规定黎处理敌人战俘同埋被拘押既平民 |
First aid will be provided for all wounded. |
sor yau sau seung jair do hui duk do gup gout |
所有受伤者都会得到急救 |
We will protect all EPWs and CIs against ill treatment. |
ngah day hui bo wu dik yan dzin foo tung maai baai kui art ge ping men butt dzee sou do yerk doi |
我哋会保护敌人战俘同埋被拘押既平民不致受到虐待 |