We must identify places where we can receive emergency help. |
ngah day yiu kok ying hor yee gung ying ngah day gun gup gout wun ge day deem |
我哋要确认可以供應我地紧急救援既地点 |
Our task is to control route security measures. |
ngah day ge gung jork haai hui hung jaai do lo on chuan ge cho see |
我哋既工作系去控制道路安全既措施 |
We'll classify bridges according to weight limits. |
ngah day wui gun gui kiu ge jui gao foo ho chuan leung lay fun lui |
我哋会根据桥既最高负荷重量黎分类 |
We need areas suitable for short halts. |
ngah day sui yiu sik dong duen kaai teng lau ge day deem |
我哋需要适当短期停留既地点 |
Where does this road lead to? |
lay tiu lo tung hui bin gar? |
呢条路通去边架? |
Which towns does this road run through? |
lay tiu lo chuen gwor bin gor see jun gar? |
呢条路穿过边个市镇架? |
Is the road paved or unpaved? |
lay tiu haai ping po lo deng haai sek see lo ah? |
呢条系平铺路定系石屎路呀? |
Is there an alternate route? |
yau mo dei tiu lo ah? |
有冇第条路呀? |
Is there a way to bypass this obstacle? |
yau mo fong fat hor yee yiu gwor lay gor chang oi ah? |
有冇方法可以绕过呢个障碍呀? |
Are there bridges on this route? |
yau mo kiu haai laai tiu lo seen do gar? |
有冇桥系呢条路线度嫁? |
Are there overpasses on this route? |
yau mo go gar kiu haai lay tiu lo seen do gar? |
有冇高架桥系呢条路线度呀? |
Is there construction on this route? |
haai lay tiu lo seen do yau mo jing lo ah? |
系呢条路线度有冇整路呀? |
Are there many potholes in this road? |
lay tiu lo dor m dor loong gar? |
呢条路多唔多龙嫁? |
How wide is the road? |
lay tiu lo yau gey foot ah? |
呢条路有几阔呀? |
Are there steep hills on this road? |
lay tiu lo do yau mo ho chey ge san gar? |
呢条路度有冇好斜既山嫁? |
Does this route lead through tunnels? |
lay tiu lo chuen m chuen gwor san loong gar? |
呢条路穿唔穿过山龙嫁? |
Do you know how to read a map? |
lay sik m sik tei day to? |
你识吾识睇地图? |
Are there enemy units in this area? |
yau mo dik yang ke gwan dui haai lay gor day kui do gar? |
有冇敌人既军队系呢个地区度呀? |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
yau mo yau gwan haai lay gor day kui do ah? |
有冇友军系呢个地区度呀? |
Are there wooded areas nearby? |
foo gun yau mo sui lom ah? |
附近有冇树林呀? |
Is there a railway near this road? |
yau mo teet lo haai lay tiu lo fo gun ah? |
有冇铁路系呢条路附近呀? |
Are the railway tracks in use? |
lay dee lo gwaai chung yau mo yung lay tung chey gar? |
呢啲路轨重有冇用黎通车嫁? |
Is there a railway crossing? |
yau mo teet lo gau gaai ah? |
有冇铁路交界呀? |
Are there any busy intersections on this route? |
lay tiu lo seen seung yau mo fan mong ge sup dzee lo hau ah? |
呢条路线上有冇繁忙既十字路口呀? |
Does this route experience heavy traffic? |
lay tiu lo seen seung gau tung fan mong mah? |
呢条路线上交通繁忙嗎? |
Does this road have curbs? |
lay tiu lo yau mo kui bin gar? |
呢条路有冇渠边嫁? |
Are there sidewalks lining the road? |
lay tiu lo leung bin yau mo heng yan lo gar? |
呢条路两边有冇行人路嫁? |
Is there pedestrian traffic on the road? |
lay tiu lo yau mo heng yan jawo dung gar? |
呢条路有冇行人走动嫁? |
Are there any minefields near this route? |
lay tiu lo seen foo gun yau mo day lui chun ah? |
呢条路线附近有冇地雷阵呀? |
Are there any landmarks near this route? |
lay tiu lo fo gun yau mo dee yee yeng ge day bio ah? |
呢条路附近有冇啲易认既地标呀? |
Is there a checkpoint on this road? |
haai lay tiu lo do yau mo gim char charm ah? |
系呢条路度有冇检查站呀? |
Is there a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles) on this road? |
haai lay tiu lo do yau mo fong oi chin chun ge jark lo gar? |
系呢条路度有冇防碍前进既窄道架? |
Is a defile being planned on the road? |
haai lay tiu lo do yau mo gei wak sau joke yat tiu jark lo laair? |
系呢条路度有冇计划修筑一条窄路呢? |
Is the road blocked? |
lay tiu lo haai m haai fung jaw ah? |
呢条路系吾系封左呀? |
Is the road flooded? |
lay tiu lo haai m haai baai sui jump jaw ah? |
呢条路系吾系比水浸咗呀? |
Is the road clear? |
lay tiu lo haai m haai ho yee tung gwor ah? |
呢条路系吾系可以通过呀? |
What is blocking the road? |
yau mut yeah jaw jui tiu lo ah? |
有乜野咗住条路呀? |
Does this road get flooded often? |
lay tiu lo haai m haai see see do sui jump ah? |
呢条路系吾系时时都水浸呀? |
Are there checkpoints on the road? |
haai lay tiu lo do yau mo gim char charm ah? |
系呢条路度有冇检查站呀? |
Does the road get narrow? |
lay tiu lo hui m hui bin jark gar? |
呢条路会吾会变窄嫁? |
Are there overhead obstructions on this route? |
lay tiu lo seen seung yau mo haai tau deng ge chang oi mut ah? |
呢条路线上有冇系头顶既障碍物呀? |
What is the lowest overhead clearance on this route? |
lay tiu lo seen seung ge jui day tung gwor go do haai mut ah? |
呢条路线上既最低通过高度系乜呀? |
Can you cross the river at this location? |
lay ho m ho yee haai lay gor day deem do gwor ho gar? |
你可吾可以系呢个地点度过河嫁? |
How wide is the river at this crossing point? |
haai lay gor gwor ho deem do, tiu ho yau kay fut ah? |
系呢个过河点度,条河有几阔呀? |
Can the crossing be used by vehicles? |
lee gor wang do ho yee gwor chey ma? |
呢个横渡可以过车吗? |
Is this a fast-moving stream? |
lay tiu ho lau duk fite m fite gar? |
呢条河流得快吾快嫁? |
How deep is this waterway? |
lay tiu ho yau gey sum ah? |
呢条河有几深呀? |
Can the stream be crossed during this time of year? |
haai lay gor gwaaai jit do, ho yee do gwor lay tiu ho mah? |
系呢个季节度, 可以渡过呢条河吗? |
Does this river flood suddenly during this time of year? |
haai lay gor gwaai jit do, tiu ho hui m hui dut yin gan fan lam gar? |
系呢个季节度, 条河会吾会突然间泛滥嫁? |
Are there a lot of large rocks in the riverbed? |
dor m dor day sek tau haai ho day ah? |
多唔多大石头系河底呀? |
Are the riverbanks very steep? |
ho ge leung on bin haai m haai ho chey ah? |
河既两岸边系吾系好斜呀? |
Are there barriers on the riverbank? |
ho bin yau mo cheung oi mut ah? |
河边有冇障碍物呀? |
Has the roadway eroded? |
dee lo yau mo baai yu chung lom jork ah? |
啲路有冇比雨冲啉左呀? |
Is there any snow on this route? |
yau mo jik suit haai lay tiu lo seen do ah? |
有冇積雪系呢条路线度呀? |
Is this route covered with ice? |
lay tiu lo seen yau mo kit bing ah? |
呢条路线有冇洁冰呀? |