What is the condition of the weapon? |
topangey haalat chee int? |
تپنگ ء حالت چے انت؟ |
Why is the weapon in this condition? |
topangey haalat paRchaa choosh int? |
تپنگء حالت پرچا چش انت؟ |
Who maintains the weapons? |
topangey key Khayaal daaRee kant? |
تپنگ کئے خیال داری کنت؟ |
How do you get replacement parts and weapons? |
to chon topangey poRzaa geRey? |
تو چون تپنگ ء پرزہ گرے؟ |
Where are the weapons stored? |
topang kojaa eeR ant? |
تپنگ کجا ایر انت؟ |