What is the caliber and type of the weapon? |
seelaaghin kaaleebRee va nœvu nadeeR? |
Silahın kalibri və növü nədir? |
How large was the rifle? |
tufang na yekaleekdaa eedee? |
Tüfəng nə yekəlikdə idi? |
Did the rifle have a scope? |
tufangda opteek cheehaaz vaaR eedee? |
Tüfəngdə optik cihaz var idi? |
Was any part of the weapon made of wood? |
seelaaghin haansi beeR heesasee taaKhtaadaan haaziRlaanmish eedee? |
Silahın hansı bir hissəsi taxtadan hazırlanmış idi? |
Could the part of the rifle, which touches the shoulder, be folded?
How large was the magazine? |
tufangeen cheeyna goyoolaan heesaseenee gaateyep yighmaagh olooR? |
Tüfəngin çiyinə qoyulan hissəsini qatiyəp yiğmaq olur? |
How large was the magazine? |
saandiKh na yekaleekda eedee? |
Sandıq nə yekəlikdə idi? |
Was other equipment added to the weapon? |
seelaaghaa aayRee tajheez alaava oloonmooshdooR? |
Silaha ayrı təchiz əlavə olunmuşdur? |
What other equipment was near the weapon? |
seelaaghin yaanindaa bashgaa haansi tahjeezaat vaaR eedee? |
Silahın yanında başqa hansı təchizat var idi? |
What was the size of the pistol? |
taapaanchaa na yekaleekdaa eedee? |
Tapanca nə yekəlikdə idi? |
Where was the pistol carried? |
taapaanjaani haaRaa aapaaRiRdeelaaR? |
Tapancanı haraya aparırdılar? |