Are there problems with ammunition for the weapons? |
masaryochona teyo cho jekeh alah choh? |
መሳሪያዎቹ፡የጥይቶች፡ችግር፡አለባቸው? |
Who buys the ammunition? |
teyotond mano yemey gazaal? |
ጥይቱን፡ማን፡ነው፡የሚገዛው? |
Where is the ammunition stored? |
teyoto yet no yemey kamatow? |
ጥይጥ፡የት፡ነው፡የሚቀመጠው? |
Where is the ammunition bought? |
teyoto yet no yemey gazaal? |
ጥይጥ፡የት፡ነው፡የሚገዛው? |
How much ammunition is available for each weapon system? |
min yahel teyed no eyandando masarya yal low? |
ምን፡ያህል፡ጥይት፡ነው፡ለእያንድ፡አንዱ፡መሳሪ፡ያ፡የለው? |