Where and when did you see the unexploded ammunition? |
yaltatakoson teyed yetena machey no yay yehoo? |
ያልተተኮሰውን፡ጥይትየትና፡መቼ፡ነው፡ያየኸ ው? |
What is the name and caliber of the weapon? |
yeteytotona yama saryo son min din no? |
የጥይቱ፡እና፡የመሳሪው፡ስም፡ምንድን፡ነው? |
What identifying marks were located on the weapon? |
min aynet leyo meleket masaryolay naba? |
ምን፡አይነት፡ልዩ፡ምልክት፡መሳሪያው፡ላይ፡ነበር? |
Who marked the site? |
botawon ma no yamaratow? |
ቦታውን፡ማን፡ነው፡የመረጠው? |