Where and when did you observe the IED? |
beyt yatasara-on yafanjee masreya yetena macheno yayehoo? |
ቤት፡የተሰራውን፡የፈንጂ፡መሳሪያ፡የት፡እና፡መቼ፡ነው፡ያየኸ፡ው? |
Who emplaced the IED? |
beyt yatasara-on fanjee ma no yas kamato? |
ቤት፡የተሰራውን፡ፈንጂ፡ማን፡ነው፡ያስቀመጠው? |
How is the IED detonated? |
beyt yatasara-on fanjee indees no yemafanadow? |
ቤት፡የተሰራው፡ፈንጂ፡እንዴት፡ነው፡የሚፈነዳው? |
What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? |
fanjoo min aynet teyet aloh? |
ፈንጂው፡ማን፡አይነትጥይት፡አለው? |
Is this IED located in a vehicle? |
beyt yatasara-o fanjee magnawost no yal low? |
ቤት፡የተሰራው፡ፈንጂ፡መኪና፡ውስጥ፡ነው፡ያለው? |
Where is the owner of this vehicle? |
yamakenow baley beyt man no? |
የመኪናው፡ባለቤት፡ማነው? |
Who made the IED? |
yehenin beyt yatasara fanjee mano yasara-o? |
ይህን፡ቤት፡የተሰራ፡ፈንጂ፡ማነው፡የሰራው? |
Where was the IED built? |
yiH fanjee yet no yatasara-o? |
ይህ፡ፈንጂ፡የት፡ነው፡የተሰራው? |
Where was the IED stored prior to emplacement? |
fanjoo zey kamatakamo bafet yatnabar? |
ፈንጂው፡እዚህ፡ከመቀመጡ፡በፊት፡የት፡ነበር? |
Is there a second or “backup” detonator? |
fanjoo holat tanya tatbabaykey aloh? |
ፈንጂው፡ሁለተኛ፡ተጠባባቂ፡አለው? |
Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? |
erdataa sechochin lemadkat holat tanya fanjee alah? |
እርዳታ፡ሰጪዎችን፡ለማጥቃት፡ሁለተኛ፡ፈንጂ፡አለ? |
Who is the target of this IED? |
fanjoo leman no yata-akado? |
የፈንጂው፡ኢላማ፡ማንነው? |
What else can you tell me about the IED or the individuals involved? |
sela beyt yatasaraw fanjee waynem bathee latakafort tawich min lethnagren tey chelaleh? |
ስለ፡ቤት፡የተሰራው፡ፈንጂ፡ወይንም፡በዚህ፡ለተካፈሉት፡ሰዎች፡ምን፡ልትነግረኝ፡ትችላለህ? |