What is the type and name of the boat? |
yet or chalbaw aynet na sim min din no? |
የጦር፡ጀልባው፡አይነትና፡ስም፡ምንድን፡ነው? |
What weapons are mounted on the boat? |
min aynet masaryano yet or jalbawlaay yetet aamadow? |
ምን፡አይነት፡መሳሪያ፡ነው፡የጦር፡ጀልባው፡ላይ፡የተጠመደው? |
Does a military or a civilian manufacturer produce the boat? |
yehenin yet or jalba besivilian / bowada darawey so halnawey yemey sara? |
ይሄን፡የጦር፡ጀልባ፡በሲቪሊያን / በሰላማዊ፡ሰው፡ወይንስ፡በወታደራዊ፡ሰዉ፡ሃይል፡ነዉ፡የሚሰራው? |
Does this boat belong to the military? |
yehey jalba yet or no? |
ይሄ፡ጀልባ፡የጦሩ፡ነው? |
What identifying marks are located on the boat? Weapons? Equipment? |
min aynet yatalayey mileket yet or jalbowlay alah? |
ምን፡አይነት፡የተለየ፡ምልክት፡የጦር፡ጀልባው፡ላይአለ? |
Is there a communication mast on the boat? |
yet or jalbow min aynet yamakananya antena alah? |
የጦር፡ጀልባው፡ላይ፡ምን፡አይነት፡የመገናኛ፡አንቴና፡አለ? |
Where and when did you last observe this boat? |
yetena machey no yet or jalbown yay yehoo? |
የትና፡መቼ፡ነው፡የጦር፡ጀልባውን፡ያየኸ፡ው? |
Did another boat support and protect this boat? |
yehenin yator chalba layla chalbayay gorat anda aders sekalakel naber? |
ይኽን፡የጦር፡ጀልባ፡ሌላ፡ጀልባ፡ላይ፡ጉዳት፡እንዳይደርስ፡ሲከላከል፡ነበር? |
Did the boat have a flat or round bottom? |
yet or jalbaw kasoro taftaf fano weys kef? |
የጦር፡ጀልባው፡ከጀርባው፡ተፍጣፋ፡ነው፡ወይንስ፡ክብ? |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
makeyno yet no ya komo? |
መኪናው፡የት፡ነው፡የተቀመጠው? |