What is the caliber and type of the weapon? |
yamaseryawna yetey yeto aynet min din no? |
የመሳሪያውና፡የጥይቱ፡ኣይነት፡ምንድን፡ነው? |
Is this a direct fire weapon like a rifle or bazooka? |
yiH kat atanya yemee takos masarya tamanja no wayis bazookaa? |
ይህ፡ቀጥተኛ፡የሚተኮስ፡መሳሪያ፡ጠመንጃ፡ነው፡ወይንስ፡ባዙቃ? |
Is this an indirect fire weapon like a mortar or cannon? |
yiH kat atanya yalhowney yemee takos masarya mortaano waynis madf? |
ይህ፡ቀጥተኛ፡ያልሆነ፡የሚተኩስ፡መሳሪያ፡ሞርታር፡ነው፡ወይንስ፡መድፍ? |
Was the weapon mounted on a tripod? |
masaryaw taborlayno yakomo? |
መሳሪያው፡ትራይፖድ፡ላይ፡ነው፡የቆመው? |
How many personnel operated this specific weapon? |
sint saratnoch nachow yehenin masarya yemaka eyheydot? |
ስንት፡ሰራተኞች፡ናቸው፡ይሄን፡መሳሪያ፡የሚያካሂዱት? |
Where and when did you see this weapon? |
yetena machey no yehenin masarya yaya chot? |
የትና፡መቼ፡ነው፡ይህን፡መሳሪያ፡ያያችሁት? |
What was the approximate size of the projectile? |
project talo telekenet baka met min yakelaal? |
የፕሮጄክታይሉ፡ትልቅነት፡በግምት፡ምን፡ያክላል? |
Has the weapon been modified in any way? |
masaryaw yetagayer nager alow? |
መሳሪያው፡የተቀየረ፡ነገር፡አለው? |
How effective was the crew operating the weapon? (accuracy / training) |
maser yawlaay yalot saratchonot chora latchoh min yahel no man na tat (areyna / seletena) |
መሳሪያው፡ላይ፡ያሉ፡ሰራተኞች፡ችሎታ፡ምን፡ያህል፡ነው? (እቅጭነት፡ስልጠና) |
Was the crew accurate? |
sarat tanyaw telekenya nabar? |
ሰራተኛው፡ትክክለኛ፡ነበር? |
How was the crew trained? |
saratinyo cho bas rachow yaseletno nachow? |
ሰራተኞቹ፡በስራቸው፡የሰለጠኑ፡ናቸው? |
What identifying marks were on the weapon? |
min aynet yataleyey milket maser lawlaay aleh? |
ምን፡አይነት፡የተለየ፡ምልክትመሳሪያው፡ላይ፡አለ? |
How fast did this weapon fire? How many rounds (bullets) per minute?
How many rounds (bullets) per minute? |
yama saryaw takis fitnet min yahel no? bada eyka sint teyet yetokosarlow? |
የመሳሪያው፡ተኩስ፡ፍጥነት፡ምን፡ያህል፡ነው? በደቂቃ፡ስንት፡ጥይት፡ይተኩሳል? |
Did the crew perform barrel changes? |
saratonocho afwa mozon lawototal? |
ሰራተኞቹ፡አፈሙዙን፡ለውጠውታል? |
Did the gun crew have a radio or binoculars? |
marfonocho radio wayem yareket mamalkacha alachow? |
መድፈኞቹ፡ራዲዮ፡ወይም፡የርቀት፡መመልከቻ፡አላቸው? |