We will receive the EPWs from the combat units. |
merkonyochoon ketewaagyoo kefil enek-ebelaalen |
ምርከኞቹን፡ከወታደራዊ፡ክፍሉ፡እንቀበላለን |
We have to evacuate the EPWs from the battle zone. |
merkonyochoon ket-orbortaa maaglel aalaben |
ምርከኞቹን፡ከጦር፡ቦታ፡ማግለል፡አለብን |
We will deliver the EPWs to the proper authorities. |
merkonyochoon letekikilinyaa balasint-aan naasrekebaalen |
ምርከኞቹን፡ለትክክለኛ፡ስልጣን፡እናስረክባለን |
We are here to enforce the law. |
engyaa yemet-aano hiboon lemaaskaber naw |
እኛ፡ያለንው፡ህጉን፡ለማስከበር፡ነው |
We are here to assist the local law enforcement if needed. |
ezeeKh yaaleno yekilil haayl lem-erdaat naw |
እዚህ፡ያለንው፡የክልል፡ህይልን፡አስፈላጊ፡ከሆነ፡ለመርዳት፡ነው |
We will respond to any attack. |
lemaanenyom tik-aat mels aalen |
በውጊያ፡እንመልሳለን |
We are here to protect the loading zones. |
yech-inet botawaachin ke-aadegaa lemikalaakil naw yemit-aano |
የጭነት፡ቦታዎቹን፡ከአደጋ፡ለመ፡ከላከል”ነው፡የመጣነው |
We are patrolling the road to detect and defeat threats. |
yemin-ged zooreeyaa yeminaarago aaskee negorochin lemaginzeb naw |
የመንገድ፡ዙሪያ፡የምራረገው፡አስጊ፡ነገሮችን፡ለመገንዘብ፡ነው |
We are mapping the terrain features. |
teraaramaa botawaachin bekaartaa yasaferin naw |
ተራራማ፡ቦታዎችን፡በካርታ፡እያ፡ወጣናቸው፡ነው |
We will protect these pipelines. |
yebambwaa meheyjaawoch indaaynekoo en-ekelaakalaalen |
የቧንባዋ፡መሄጃዎች፡አንዳይነኩ፡እንከላከላለን |
We are providing security to this convoy. |
lekonvoy t-eb-aakee haayl enset aalen |
ለኮንቮዩ፡ጠባቂ፡ሃይል፡እንሰ፡ጣለን |
How far away is this town? |
ketemaw minyahil yerek-aal? |
ከተማው፡ስንት፡ይርቃል? |
What is the name of this ridgeline? |
yemegenaanyaa man-ged sim mendin naw? |
የመገናኛ፡መንገድ፡ስም፡ምንደን፡ነው? |
Where are the water pipes? |
yewehaa bwonbwaw yets naw? |
የውሃ፡ቡንቧው፡የት፡ነው? |
Is there any nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) contamination in the area? |
ezeeKh yenookleeyar, bayolojikaal weyim, kemeekaal yatabak-ela botaa aala? |
እዚህ፡የኑክሊር፡ባዮሎጂካል፡ወይንም፡ኬሚካል፡የተበከል፡ቦታ፡አለ? |