We are establishing a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles). |
man-ged maatrebreyaa egaaderegin naw |
መንገድ፡ማጥበቢያ፡እያደረ፡ግን፡ነው |
The MP will allow traffic to move in only one direction at a time through the defile. |
yeman-ged matrebeyaa gizey yowataader poolees traafeeken b-ant arbt-achaa bichaa yeemeraal |
የመንገድ፡ማጥበቢያ፡ጊዜ፡የወታደር፡ፖሊስ፡ትራፊክን፡በአንድ፡አቅታጫ፡ብቻ፡ይመራል |
Controls at defiles ensure that traffic moves with little delay. |
beman-ged t-ebet kootatir yetraafeek zigyataa endaaynor yaregagit-aal |
በመንገድ፡ጥበት፡ቁጥጥር፡የትራፊ፡ክን፡ዝገየታን፡ያረጋግጣል |
Have you been checked by security? |
ba-sekyooritee tefeteshaaleKh? |
በሴክሩቲ፡ተፈ፡ትሸሃል? |
Is there heavy traffic in this area? |
azeeKh aakaabaabee kaabaad traafeek aala? |
በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡ከባድ፡ትራፊክ፡አለ? |
Do you know that this road is off limits to local residents? |
yiKh man-ged leketemaw nowaaroch kilkil endaahona tawk-aaleKh? |
ይህ፡መንገድ፡ለነዋሪዎች፡ክልክክል፡እንደሆነ፡ታቃለህ? |
Move in one direction only. |
be-aand aagd-achaa bichaa bakool tank-asaakis |
በአንድ፡አቅጣጫ፡ብቻ፡በኩል፡ተንቀሳቀስ |
Proceed after military vehicles have passed. |
yowatadaraawee mekeenaa ketank-asaak-asa bohaalaa maalefehin t-katel |
የወታደራዊ፡መኪና፡ከተ፡ንቀሳቀሰ፡በሁዋላ፡ማለፍህን፡ቀጥል |
Do not bypass the security checkpoint. |
yedehinet fiteshaa botaa endaatalf |
የሴኩሪቲ፡ፍተሻ፡ቦታ፡እንዳ፡ታልፍ |
Please follow the signs. |
evakot gitit-aafon milik-it yiketaloom |
እባኮት፡የተፃፈውን፡ምልክት፡ይከተሉ |