We are leading a convoy through this area. |
bezeeKh aakaabaabee konvoy yizen en-erfaalen |
በዚህ፡ቦታ፡ኮንቮይ |
We are responsible for the security of the convoy. |
lekonvoyoo deh-ninet haalaafeenet aalabin |
ለኮንቮዩ፡ደህንነት፡ሃላፊነት፡አለን |
We must conduct safety inspections on all the vehicles. |
yemekeenochoo dehinet feteshaa maadreg aalabin |
መኪኖችን፡የደህንነ፡ት፡ፍተሻ፡ማድረግ፡አለ፡ብን |
We must drive the convoy through this intersection. |
konvoyoon bemesk-elenyaw man-ged bekool mendaat aalabin |
ኮንቮዩን፡በመስቀለኛ፡ው፡መንገድ፡በኩል፡መንዳት፡አለብን |
We are escorting the convoy. |
konvoyoon aaj-eeven eeyasaalaafen naw |
ኮንቮዩን፡ከበን፡እያሳለፍ፡ን፡ነው |
We must seek an alternate route. |
yeteleye man-ged mefeleg aalabin |
የተለየ፡መንገድ፡መፈለግ፡አለብን |
We will use tanks to detonate mines. |
yetek-abaron fenjee lemefaandaat taank in-et-ekemaalen |
የተቀበረ፡ፈንጂውን፡ለማፈንዳት፡ታንክ፡እንጠቀማለን |
Snipers may fire on convoys in this area. |
aanat-aat-aaree takwaashoch konvoyoolaay leetakosoo yeecheelaalu |
አነጣጣሪ፡ተኩዋሾች፡ኮንቮይ፡አካባቢ፡ላይ፡ሊተኪሱ፡ይችላሉ |
Unexploded ordnance may be planted in the road. |
yalfenadaa fenjee man-ged-oolaay tek-abro yoohonaal |
ያልፈነዳ፡መድፍ፡መንገዱ፡ላይ፡ተቀብሮ፡ይሆናል |
The convoy will continue when the ambush is suppressed. |
yet-elaat wugyaa kaak-omin bohaalaa konvoy yeeket-alaal |
የጠላት፡ውጊያ፡ካቆምን፡በሁዋላ፡ኮንቮዪ፡ይቀጥላል |
Is there a bridge to cross the river? |
wanzoon yemeshaagir dildee aala? |
ወንዙን፡ለመሻገር፡ድል፡ድይ፡አለ? |
Will this bridge support heavy vehicles? |
yiKh dildee kebaad mekeenaa yesaalefaal? |
ይሄ፡ድልድይ፡ከባድ፡መኪና፡ይችላል? |
Does this road lead through any towns? |
yiKh man-ged beket-amaabokool yaalfaal? |
ይሄ፡መንገድ፡ወደ፡ከተማ፡ይወስዳል? |
Does this road lead through heavy traffic areas? |
yiKh man-ged wedegir man-ged yostel? |
ይሄ፡መንገድ፡ወደ፡ግር፡ግር፡መንገድ፡ይወስዳል? |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
bezeeKh aakaabaabee yowegin seraaweet aala? |
በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡የወገን፡ክፍል፡አለ? |