We will set up traffic control points (TCPs) in the area. |
bakaababyoo yetraafeek makot-at-ereeyaw bota enaa kakomaalen |
ባካባቢው፡የትራፊክ፡መቆጣጠሪያ፡ቦታ፡እናቃቁማለን |
The TCP locations will be decided by the MPs. |
yetraafeek makot-at-ereeyaw botaa bewatader polees yuwasanel |
የትራፊክ፡መቆጣጠሪያው፡ቦታ፡በወታደር፡ፖሊስ፡ይወሰናል |
The TCP personnel will work hard to prevent delays. |
yetraafeek tekot-at-aareeyoo zigeeyaataa endayanor yit-at aaral |
የትራፊክ፡ተቆጣጠሪው፡ዝግየታ፡እንዳይኖር፡ይጥራል |
Our TCP team will keep records of passing vehicles and units. |
yetraafeek tekot-at-aaree bodin aalaafee mekenawochin naasawochin borek-atlaay yeesafaal |
የትራፊክ፡ተቆጣጣሪ፡ቡድን፡አላፊ፡መኪኖችና፡ሰዎች፡በወረቀት፡ላይ፡ይጽፋል |
The TCP will apprehend violators. |
yetraafeek teko-at-aareeyoo botalaay hig t-ash eeyaazaal |
የትራፊክ፡ተቆጣጣሪው፡ቦታ፡ላይ፡ህግ፡ጣሽ፡ይይዛል |
Make sure refugee traffic does not delay military traffic. |
yesidetiynaa traafeek yowatederaawee traafeekin indayaazagaay alalgaagit |
የስደተኛ፡ትራፊክ፡የወታደራዊ፡ትራፊክን፡እንዳየዝገኝ፡አረጋግጥ |
The TCP personnel will reroute traffic as needed. |
yetraafeek tekot-at-aree botaa seraatinyaa traafeekun baasfelaagee men-gid yeemaraal |
የትራፊክ፡ተቆጣጣሪ፡ቦታ;ሰራተኛ፡ትራፊኩን፡ባስፈላጊ፡መንገድ፡ይመራል |
Our mission is ongoing until further notice. |
alamaachin eska wedefeet maastinkyekaa dires yik-etelaal |
አላማችን፡እስክ፡ወደ፡ፊት፡ማስጠንቀቂያ፡ድረስ፡ይቀጥላል |
Food and water will be supplied by other units. |
megibernaw wehaa beleelaa kifil yetaadelaal |
ምግብና፡ውሃ፡በሌላ፡ክፍል፡ይታደላል |
Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection equipment will be provided. |
nookleeyar, bayolojikaal ina, kemeekaal marmaree mesaareeyaa yeeset-al |
ኑክሊር፡ባዮሎጂካል፡እና፡ኬሚካል፡መርማሪ፡መሳሪ፡ያ፡ይሰጣል |
Reflective arm cuffs will be provided. |
yemerbiraa ye-ij kaat-enaa yeeset-aal |
የሚያበራ፡የእጅ፡ካቴና፡ይሰጣል |
Enemy may use agents acting as refugees. |
t-alaat tiginyaa bememsel lyaat-ek-aa yeecheelaal |
ጠላት፡ጥገኛ፡በመምሰል፡ሊጠቀም፡ይችላል |
Safety is very important during all operations. |
tenek-ak-ey leholoom siraa aasferlaagee naw |
ጥንቃቄ፡ለሁሉም፡ስራ፡አስፈላጊ፡ነው |
We do not allow unauthorized personnel to observe traffic movement. |
fek-aad yerelo saw yetraafeek inkesek-aasey komo maayit aaycheelim |
ፈቃድ፡የሌለው፡ሰው፡የትራፊክ፡እንቅስቃሴ፡ቆሞ፡ማየት፡አይችልም |
What is the size of the enemy force? |
yet-elaat haayl minyahil naw? |
የጠላት፡ሃይል፡ምን፡ያህል፡ነው? |
Where is the exact location of the enemy? |
yet-elaat tikikila naw sifraa yet naw? |
የጠላት፡ትክክለኛው፡ስፍራ፡የት፡ነው? |
When exactly did you see enemy units? |
machenaw yet-elaat saraaweet yaayehaw? |
መቼ፡ነው፡የጠላት፡ክፍል፡ያየህው? |
What types of enemy units did you see? |
min-aaynet yet-elaat saraaweet naw yaayehaw? |
ምን፡አይነት፡የጠላት፡ክፍል፡ነው፡ያየሀው? |
What type of equipment did the enemy units carry? |
min-aaynet mesaareeya naw ya-ayazoot? |
ምን፡አይነት፡መሳሪያ፡ነው፡የያዙት? |
Watch for guerilla activities. |
yemeshig tawaagee enkesek-aasey tegenzav |
የምሽግ፡ተዋጊ፡እንቅስ፡ቃሴ፡ተገንዘብ |
Watch for conventional enemy forces. |
yemedir yet-elaat haaylen tet-enkek |
የምደር፡የጠላት፡ሃይልን፡ተጠንቀቅ |
Watch for enemy aircraft. |
yet-elaat ye-aayer haaylen tegenzav |
የጠላት፡የአየር፡ሃይልን፡ተገንዘብ |
Report to us about local inhabitants in the area. |
silaa ketemaa nawareeyoch reeport adregoon |
ስለ፡ከተማ፡ነዋሪዎች፡ሪፖርት፡አድርጉን |
Set up signs to show directions and distance to TCPs. |
yetraafeek mekwut-at-ereeyaa aag-aach-aa yemyasaay milikit yeesaraa |
የትርፊክ፡መቆጣጠሪያ፡አቅጣጫ፡የሚያሳይ፡ምልክት፡ይሰራ |
Direct refugees to refugee routes. |
tiginyochin wada tig-enyaa men-ged nooraacho |
ጥገኞቹን፡ወደ፡ጥገኛ፡መንገድ፡ምሩዋቸው |