What groups in this area are threats to US Forces? |
la-amereekaan haayloch yemyaasagoot yetyinochoo boodnoch naachaw? |
ለአሜሪካን፡ሃሎች፡የሚያሰጉ፡የትኞቹ፡ቡድኖች፡ናቸው? |
Is this shop normally open in the morning? At what times? |
yihey sooq hooley t-aawat kift naw? bas-int se-aat? |
ይሄ፡ሱቅ፡ሁሌ፡ጠዋት፡ክፍት፡ነው?፡በስንት፡ሰአት? |
Is this shop normally open in the afternoon? At what times? |
yihey sooq hooley kasaa-aat kift naw? bas-int se-aat? |
ይሄ፡ሱቅ፡ሁሌ፡ከሰአት፡ክፍት፡ነው?፡በስንት፡ሰአት? |
Is this shop normally open in the evening? At what times? |
yihey sooq hooley maata kift naw? bas-int se-aat? |
ይሄ፡ሱቅ፡ሁሌ፡ማታ፡ክፍት፡ነው?፡በስንት፡ሰአት? |
Is this vehicle normally located here at this time of day? |
yihey mekeenaa hooley bazeeKh se-aat izeeKh yook-umaal? |
ይሄ፡መኪና፡ሁሌ፡በዚህ፡ሰአት፡እዚህ፡ይቆማል? |
Who lives in that home? |
iza beyt maano yemeenorom? |
እዛ፡ቤት፡ማነው፡የሚኖረው? |
How far away is this town? |
katamaw kazeeKh min yaahil yerik-aal? |
ከተማው፡ከዚህ፡ምን፡ያህል፡ይርቃል? |
Where can I find the local ___? |
yiq-abelewoon (leek amambar) yet magnyet icheelaaloH? |
የቀበሌውን፡(ሊቀመንበር)፡የት፡መግኘት፡እችላለሁ? |
Where is the sewer access? |
yetubo megbyaa yetno? |
የቱቦው፡መግቢያ፡የት፡ነው? |
Who owns weapons in this area? |
maano baakaababyoo masaareeya yaalo? |
ማነው፡ባካባቢው፡መሳሪያ፡ያለው? |