What area in ___ has a high crime rate? |
____ wust wanjel yemeebazabet aakaawawee yet naw? |
___፡ውስጥወንጀል፡የሚበዛበት፡አካባቢ፡የት፡ነው? |
What area in ___ would you feel uncomfortable entering with your family? |
____ wust keweytasabgaar lemeheyd lemyaasagaa aakaawawee yet naw? |
___፡ውስጥ፡ከቤተሰብህ፡ጋር፡ለመሄድ፡የሚያሰጋህ፡ኣካባቢ፡የት፡ነዉ? |
What areas of ___ are considered unsafe for Americans to enter? Why? |
____ wust la-amerkeenaanoch aasgee aakaawawee yet naw? lemin? |
___፡ውስጥ፡ለኣሜሪካኖች፡ኣስጊ፡አካባቢ፡የት፡ነዉ?፡ለምን? |
What organized crime elements exist in (insert city)? |
____ wust min-aynet yete daraachoo wanjeronyoch yeeganenyaalo? |
___፡ውስጥ፡ምን፡አይነት፡የተጠናከሩ፡ወንጀለኞች፡ይገኛሉ? |
What are the most common criminal acts committed in (insert area)? |
____ hooley yit-alamadaa wanjel dergeet mendin naw? |
___፡ሁሌም፡የተለመደ፡ወንጀል፡ድርጊት፡ምንድን፡ነው? |
What illegal substances are available in this area? |
min-aynet yetekelekela ith naw bezeeKh aakaawawee yaalo? |
ምን፡አይነት፡የተከለከለ፡እፅ፡ነው፡በዚህ፡አካባቢ፡ያለው? |
How are the drugs transported into this area? |
yetekelekelo ith bemin aynet mengid naw yemeegabaaw? |
የተከለከልው፡እጽ፡በምን፡አይነት፡መንገድ፡ነው፡የሚገባው? |
Who controls the sale of these drugs? |
ye-iz-soon sheeyaaj maano yemee kotatarow? |
የእጹን፡ሽያጭ፡ማነው፡የሚቆጣጠርው? |
Is local law enforcement capable of dealing with the current criminal threat? |
yaakabaabyoo polees yaakabaabyoon wanjel seegat maakwat-aatel neecheeraal? |
ያካባቢው፡ፖሊስ፡ያካባብውን፡ወንጀል፡ስጋት፡መቆጣጠር፡ይችላል? |
If not, what specific areas is local law enforcement unable to control? |
kaalchaalem yetinyawn aakaawawee naw polees yaalchaaloo? |
ካልተቻለም፡የትኛውን፡አካባቢ፡ነው፡ፖሊስ፡ያልቻለው? |