What foreigners live in this area? |
kayet yemit-oo yawich aager saawuch bazeeKh aakaawawee yinoraaloo? |
ከየት፡የመጡ፡የውጭ፡ኣገር፡ሰዎች፡በዚህ፡ኣካባቢ፡ይኖራሉ? |
What foreigners have you observed in this area? |
kayet yemit-oo yaawich aager saawuch bazeeKh aakaawawee aastaagitahaal? |
ከየት፡የመጡ፡የዉጭ፡ኣገር፡ሰዎች፡በዚህ፡ኣካባቢው፡አስተውለሃል? |
Where is the exact location of the foreigners' home? |
kawich yemit-oo saawich tfeekranyaa beytaachaw yet naw? |
ከዉጭ፡የመጡት፡ሰዎች፡ትክክለኛ፡ቤታቸዉ፡የት፡ነው? |
When was the last time you saw these foreigners? |
kaawich aager yemet-ootin sawich lemet- arashaa gizey ya-ayehaacho maachey naw? |
ከዉጭ፡ኣገር፡የመጡትን፡ሰዎች፡ለመጨረሻ፡ጊዜ፡የሃቸዉ፡መቼ፡ነው? |
What country are these individuals from? |
enezeeKh gilasewuch k-aayet aager naachaw? |
እነዚህ፡ግለሰቦች፡ከየትአገር፡ናቸው? |
When did they arrive here? |
ezeeKh mach-eynaw yemetoot? |
እዚህ፡መቼ፡ነው፡የመጡት? |
How did they get here? |
izeeKh bemendin naw yemetoot? |
እዚህ፡በምን፡መጡ? |
What local people have you observed associating with these foreigners? |
kawich aager kemetoot sawechgaar yetinyochoo ya-aakawawoo sawuch aavrachaw seehono aaytehaal? |
ከዉጭ፡ኣገር፡ከመጡት፡ሰዎች፡ጋር፡የትኞቹ፡የኣካባቢዉ፡ሰዎች፡ኣብረዋቸዉ፡ሲሆኑ፡አይተሃል? |
At what places do the foreigners routinely gather or meet? |
yewich aagur zeguch yet aakaaweenaw babazaat yemisebesaboot? |
የውጭ፡ኣገር፡ዜጎች፡የት፡አካባቢ፡ነው፡በብዛት፡የሚሰበሰቡት? |
What vehicles do these foreigners drive? |
min aaynet mekeenaano yewich aager zeguch yemeetak-aamoot? |
ምን፡አየነት፡መኪና፡ነው፡የውጭ፡ኣግር፡ዜጎቹ፡የሚጠቀሙት? |
What are their names? |
semaacho maano? |
ስማቸው፡ማነው? |
What group (cell) do they belong to? |
yetinyaw boodin (wegin) aaval naachaw? |
የትኛው፡ቡድን፡(ወገር)፡አባል፡ናቸዉ? |
Do you know of any plans to attack US facilities? |
ya-amereekaanin derejit lemaat-k-aat itk-id endaalachaw tawk-aalaH? |
የአሜሪክንን፡ድርጅት፡ለማጥቃት፡እቅድ፡እንላቸው፡ታቃለህ? |
Who will conduct this attack? |
yeheenin tek-aat maan naw yemakahaaydo? |
ይህን፡ጥቃት፡ማን፡ነው፡የሚያካሂደው? |
When will this attack take place? |
yiH tek-aat lemechey naw yit-aakado? |
ይህ፡ጥቃት፡ለመቼ፡የታቀደዉ? |
Where will the attack take place? |
tik-aatoo yet botaano yit-aakadaw? |
ጥቃቱ፡የት፡ቦታ፡ነዉ፡የታቀደዉ? |
When did you last hear about this attack? |
lemet ereshaa gizey selaziKh tik-aat yesemehaw machey naw? |
ለመጨረሻ፡ጊዜ፡ስለዚህ፡ጥቃት፡የሰማህው፡መቼ፡ነዉ? |
Which group is planning to conduct this attack? |
yetinyaw wagin naw yeheenin tik-aat lemaakahed bazigedidlaay yaalaw? |
የትኛው፡ወገን፡ነው፡ህንን፡ጥቃት፡ለማካሄድ፡በመዘጋጀት፡ያለው? |
What groups or individuals in this area express anti-US sentiment? |
yetinyochoo boodnoch weyim galeysewoch naachaw yes-eraa amereekaa aastahit yalaachaw? |
የትኞቹ፡ቡድኖች፡ወይም፡ግለሰቦች፡ናቸው፡የፀረ፡አሜሪካ፡አስተያየት፡ያላቸው? |
What groups or individuals in this area express anti-host nation sentiment? |
s-eraa ingidaa aastaganadanit aastahit yalaachaw boodnoch weynim gilasawoch yetinochoo naachaw? |
ፀረ፡እንግዳ፡ኣስተናጋጅነት፡አስተያየት፡ያላቸው፡ቡድኖች፡ወይንም፡ግለሰቦች፡የትኞቹ፡ናቸዉ? |