We are assisting local law enforcement by assessing the criminal activity and security concerns in this area. |
yawanjel dirgeetanaa yedihineten gudaay bemee meleket ya-aakababyoon polees haayl irdataa eeyeset-en naw |
የወንጀል፡ድርጊትና፡የደህንነትን፡ጉዳይ፡በሚመለከት፡የኣካባቢውን፡ፓሊስ፡ሃይል፡እርዳታ፡እየሰጠን፡ነው |
Would you be willing to discuss safety concerns you have about (Addis Ababa) airport? |
seelaa (aadees aabaabaa) aaroplaan maareetyaa deheneenet yemeemeleket gudaay lemewiwaayet feq-aadenyaa naKh? |
ስለ፡(አዲስ፡አበባ)፡አውሮፕላን፡ማረፊያ፡ደህንነትን፡የሚመለ፡ከት፡ጉዳይ፡ለመወያየት፡ፈቃደኛ፡ነህ? |
Your name will not be associated with any information you provide. |
lemetset-en gudaay huloo simiH aayteq-esem |
ለምትሰጠን፡ጉዳይ፡ሁሉ፡ስምህ፡ኣይጠቀስም |
The information will be used to protect people in the neighborhood, the local police, politicians, and military from groups that wish to cause instability. |
negerochin bemeest-ir maayath ya-akaababyoon hithb poleesochin yepoleeteekosawo chin otaadarochin lemaan nagaat kemeefelegoo boonoch yeekalaakalaal |
ነገሮችን፡በሚስጥር፡መያዙ፡ያካባቢውን፡ህዝብ፤ፖሊሶችን፤የፖለቲካ፡ሰዎችን፡እና፡ወታደሮችን፡ለማናጋት፡ከሚፈልጉቡድኖች፡ይከላክላል |
By providing information on suicide bombers you will help to save lives. |
silaa aat feto t-aafee yemitak-owen nager bemaakaafel yesaawin heewat bemaadaan letitababaren teecheelaala |
ስለ፡አትፍቶ፡ጠፊው፡የምታውቀውን፡ነገር፡በማካፈል፡የሰውን፡ህይወት፡በማዳን፡ልትተባበረን፡ትችላለህ |
Have you been asked by any other US personnel to assist in providing information? |
keleelaa ya-amereekaan saraatinyoch yemitak-owen nager enditakaafel tet-eyeekaH tawk-aala? |
በማንኛዉም፡የአሜሪካን፡ሰራተኞች፡የምታቀውን፡ነገር፡እንድታካፍል፡ተጠይቀህ፡ታዉቃለህ? |
How long have you lived at ___? |
(azeeKh) wust minyahel gizey norahaal? |
(እዚህ)፡ዉስጥ፡ምንያህል፡ጊዜ፡ኖረሃል? |
What are your feelings about the US presence in the area? |
silaa amereekaa izeeKh megvaat min yesemehaal? |
ስለ፡አሜሪካ፡እዚህ፡መግባት፡ምን፡ይሰማሃል? |
Would you be willing to contact me in the future if you observed something suspicious? |
wadafeet nager kaaye inen lemanagager naKh? |
ወደፊት፡የሚያጠራጥር፡ነገር፡ካየህ፡እኔን፡ለማናገር፡ፈቃደኛ፡ነህ? |